Days with colouring yarn are so exciting. Last autum, we picked a lot of mushrooms for colouring. It really was a good season, lot of beautiful weather and we were almost out picking every day. After a long winter, the spring is here so it is time to colour again. First, I did the Blodrød kanelslørsopp: Cortinarius sanguineus, it is one of my favourites. Last year, we used Alum as mordant, this year we are trying out Copper.
But I cannot do anything without experimenting with Rustbrunpigg: Hydnellum ferrugineum. I dipped an watercolour paper in the boiled solution. Now it is in the window for light testing. Interesting!
But to boil a kettle without colour yarn is crazy so here is the colour from this mushroom. A really elegant brown. I continue colouring.